Who We Are

An Independent Bookstore
We are an independent bookstore, anchored in place and community. We are booksellers to the core, empowered by the writerly pulse coursing the country. Having visited countless bookstores, we imagined a haven for book lovers in concert with context: literary and natural. The Wilson Book Gallery is our version of Arcadia—an idyll actualized.
As the only bookseller operating on the Westbank of the Snake River, en route to Teton Village and Grand Teton National Park, we align with our neighbors—all locally-owned small businesses, creative and courageous in their missions.
As the sibling of the downtown Jackson Hole Book Trader, we foster print appreciation across the valley.
We approach books as points of connection, tracing local as well as global interests. Tables teem with noteworthy new releases, chosen not by bestseller recommendations but rather our intuition as readers. We pick every title with intention, eager for the opportunity to connect on timely topics. We support the perspectives writers boldly share with the world—a mission made possible by the support of our clientele. Together, we consider reading an essential exercise in this practice of life.

An Independent Bookstore
As the only bookseller operating on the Westbank of the Tetons, en route to Teton Village and Grand Teton National Park, we align with our neighbors—all locally-owned small businesses, creative and courageous in their missions. As the sibling of the downtown Jackson Hole Book Trader, we foster print appreciation across the valley.
We approach books as points of connection, tracing local as well as global interests. Tables teem with noteworthy new releases, chosen not by bestseller recommendations but rather our intuition as readers. We pick every title with intention, eager for the opportunity to connect on timely topics. We support the perspectives writers boldly share with the world—a mission made possible by the support of our clientele. Together, we consider reading an essential exercise in this practice of life.
“Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true.”
-Ruth Bader Ginsburg

“Reading is the key that opens doors to many good things in life. Reading shaped my dreams, and more reading helped me make my dreams come true.”
-Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Visit Our Sister Store
For twenty years, Jackson Hole Book Trader has been an institution and a community gathering place in an eclectic and relaxed space. We provide locals and visitors with new and used books that inform and inspire. We are a place where readers find their next story and where writers find their audience.
Dollars as Devotion

Literary Listens

Dollars as Devotion